Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Lennon Tapes

The following tape is from a conference call held with all Xyience employees who could attend by phone or in the room about what John Lennon, the Xyience, Incorporated President, called a distraction....emails to all employees about the company's past, it's history, and the $25 million suit against me all based on lies...

I just wanted to talk to Lennon, hear it straight from him. I actually told him if I didn't talk to him in person, I'd be talking to him in front of a judge, or something to that effect. Turns out that came true, and that's when we first spoke face to face. Those tapes will come later. For now, listen to Lennon sell the troops a few loose lines about who I am and what I do. The meeting starts about 9 minutes into the recording.

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